Wednesday, January 20, 2010

prompt 2

2. IRONY - In "The Things They Carried," there is tremendous tension developed when the narrator begins to describe the tunnels that men like Lee Strunk must explore alone. When he emerges, there is celebration cut short by Lavendar's sudden death. The author has created irony by having the reader prepared for one man's death, but it is another man who is killed. We experience irony every day, of a milder sort. Relate an experience when you were prepared for one circumstance but encountered its opposite. If you would rather relate a literary irony or an experience of someone else's, that would be fine. REMEMBER to SHOW the experience; don't just TELL.

My example of this is when one of my friends was in school and he had exams coming up. Soo he and all his friends studied for 2 weeks before exams. My friend alway worried about that one kid in the class who never opened his book he was going to fail.He volunteered to tutor everyone in the class but only 2 kids didnt show up. He didnt worry about one kid cause he thought the kid was super smart. So on the test day everyone passed but that one kid that he didnt wanna help.
Irony is that he tutored the guy that needed it and ignored the guy that didn't. In the end the one that was smart failed.

3. THE HEART IN CONFLICT - Tim O'Brien, the author, has said that he writes about the heart in conflict and that he often uses war because it naturally and automatically puts the heart under pressure. What book, story, or movie have your read or seen in which the protagonist underwent the same thing? Discuss briefly.

****There was this Indian movie my brother always use to watch. It was dealing with a guy who had is eye on a girl since he was 5 years old. Later on he meets a guy friend
who always likes the girl. He forces himself to get them together even though his heart wants her. In the end he does get her.****

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